
Published Books

Guide Books

Audio Files


Audio Files

When you purchase an audio file, please DOWNLOAD it to your device. The link connecting you to that file will not always be available for listening online.

Re-Train Your Brain For The Life You Deserve! (AF07)
You can use your mind on purpose to create the life you deserve. Change your thinking and actually re-wire your brain to effortlessly direct positive changes in your life. MP3 format. 14 minutes.


Discovering Your Personal ESP (AF06)
Did you know you're already psychic? Everyone has the ability to tap into their 6th sense. With this guided meditation you'll discover what your ESP feels like; you'll be able to practice several techniques to hone your inherent abilities and develop confidence. MP3 format. 15 minutes.


Meeting Your Spirit Guides (AF05)
Take a serene and confident guided journey to the realm of the Higher Mind, where you'll connect with your spirit guides. This guided meditation is 100% successful in bringing you together with your team on the other side. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how your guides communicate with you! MP3 format. 20 minutes.


Relax & Rejuvenate (AF04)
A Via Hypnosis self-hypnosis audio file designed to help you relax, de-stress, and create total health in your body and mind. MP3 format. 11:52.


Lose Weight, Feel Great! (AF03)
A Via Hypnosis self-hypnosis audio file designed to reprogram your inner mind for natural weight loss. MP3 format. 16:16.


Creating True Success (AF02)
A Via Hypnosis self-hypnosis audio file to program your mind on to the success track. MP3 format. 13:29.


Change Your Mind, Change Your Fortune (AF01)
A Via Hypnosis self-hypnosis audio file designed to create prosperity consciousness. MP3 format. 10:01.


Telephone: 914-672-9741 • Email: pkeresey@gmail.com
Mailing Address: Live & Learn, P.O. Box 226, Putnam Valley, NY 10579

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